1. Urged by host mom for weeks to adventure down Calle Navas to go tapa-hopping (the Spanish version of a bar crawl), myself and 5 other willing BC friends sat down for a botella de vino blanco, some free calamari tapitas, y good conversation. While all three of those things happened, we were also visited by none other than ... ELVIS PRESLEY! Needless to say, it was a great night.
2. In that same night, we also learned a Spanish line dance! Though I could not recreate the steps if my life depended on it, a very nice Spaniard tried her hardest to instruct us!
3. This weekend I experienced the Once-in-a-Lifetime lunacy that is CARNAVAL! While I cannot even begin to summarize the absurdity that occured (details for a later post!), trust me that it was an incredible night that I am not sure I could have experienced anywhere else but Spain. For just a little taste of what my 24 hrs of Carnaval included, here is a photo of my oh so flattering costume and a link to an incredible accurate depiction of what Cadiz was like this weekend.
I came to Spain, and I saw people partying .... Enjoy.
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